
As your coach…

As your coach, I will be your biggest supporter. You are not broken. You don’t have a disease. You can change your relationship with alcohol. When you get curious and explore your beliefs around self, society and alcohol, your world can open up to endless possibilities.

As a coach who assists others in changing their relationship with alcohol, I personally have chosen to live an alcohol free life. Free from the desire to drink has become my greatest gift in life and I hope to pay that gift forward to those that choose to be alcohol free. Whatever your goal is with alcohol, if you wish to moderate, drink less or be alcohol free, I will assist you in reaching your goal. I’m purely here to help you achieve the lifestyle you so desire.

1:1 Coaching

Through a discovery call, we will discuss where you are in your relationship with alcohol and where it is you want to be. I will listen to your needs and desires to fine tune a package that is specifically suited to you and your goals.

One on One coaching calls will allow me to get to know you and assist you. I want to help you with the thoughts and beliefs that are holding you back. Using “This Naked Mind” methodology will help to unlock your subconscious. You will begin to see alcohol in a different way.

Sessions are 1 hour long and packages can be 8 – 12 sessions.

Group Coaching

Through group coaching, we explore together the ins and outs of alcohol. We share our experiences and how we feel. Together we will process what part alcohol plays in our lives. We will discuss tactics and beliefs while giving each other the support that is needed.

Group coaching has 1 hour sessions, once a week for 3 months.